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Therapy, Counselling & Coaching

At Your Mamahood we believe every mother, new or otherwise, deserves access to mental health & wellbeing support.

Here you will find access to a list of qualified professionals available to support both online and in-person.

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We are here to walk beside you, to share insights, tools and processes that support you in finding your own way through motherhood.

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Are you…

At the beginning of your mamahood journey feeling overwhelmed and looking for some guidance and coping strategies? 

In the messy middle of mamahood, trying to figure out a balance and cope with the mental load? 

Feeling down, depleted and disconnected from yourself and the mother you thought you’d be?  

Using a combination of therapy methods and practical coping mechanisms, our 1:1 sessions can help if you’re struggling with something specific, a general feeling something’s not right, or wanting to pro-actively work on your mental health and wellbeing.

We’re here for all of it. 

Your People

Your People

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Therapist, Counsellor & Coach Directory




How Mamas Feel After Our Sessions

Seen and Validated  

Mamas feel recognised and appreciated for their unique challenges and experiences by being listened to and understood without judgement. 

Supported and Empowered  

Mamas feel empowered with the right tools and community support, helping them navigate motherhood confidently.

Please note: We really hope you find the right person for your needs but we take no responsibility for the service received.


  • We are a community platform designed to connect new mums to the services and support they need postpartum and beyond.

    We offer online wellbeing resources and information, signpost to qualified therapists and coaches, put on inclusive events and groups and have a wonderful directory of services such as doulas, lactation consultants, antenatal classes, baby groups and much more!

  • We are a platform aimed past supporting mums through postpartum and those early years of motherhood.

    We're for mums who might be struggling with their mental health but also for those who generally want to find a community and a sense of belonging with like-minded mums who get it.

  • It’s totally normal to be nervous about your first therapy or coaching session (even if you have had therapy or coaching before). Your relationship with your therapist or coach is an important one, so in your first session, it is likely the person you are working with will try to get to know you better. They might ask you some questions in order to gain an understanding of what's worrying you and the way your thought processes work.

    They might also just let you use the time freely to tell them in your own time what’s brought you here.

    All therapists and coaches work differently but our hope at YOUR MAMAHOOD is that you feel comfortable to talk about your hopes and needs from the sessions.

  • Counselling, or 'therapy' as it is commonly known, allows people to discuss their problems and difficult feelings in a safe, confidential environment. It can mean different things to different people, but in general, it is a process people seek when they want to change something in their lives, or simply explore their thoughts and feelings in more depth.

    A counsellor, or therapist, is not there to tell you what to do. Instead, they will encourage you to talk about what's going on for you and uncover any root causes and identify your specific ways of thinking. They may then look to create a plan of action to either help you reconcile your issues, or help you to find ways of coping.

  • Item description
  • The terms 'counselling' and 'therapy' have become used interchangeably in recent years. As explained by the NHS, “Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues. Sometimes, the term ‘counselling’ is used to refer to talking therapies in general, but counselling is also a type of therapy in its own right.”

  • Every therapist and coach will have their own ways of working so it is best to check this out with them personally. If you feel you are in a vulnerable situation and need help immediately please call the emergency services or contact or telephone them on 116 123 (UK).

  • Trust is an integral part of a therapist-client relationship and all sessions will be kept confidential unless in certain circumstances where the therapist may have to consider breaking a client’s confidence for their own safety. This could be if there is a risk of immediate harm to the client or to another person. The therapist will explain how they work in your first session and through the counselling contract/working agreement.

  • Please see your therapist or coaches individual cancellation policy.

  • YOUR MAMAHOOD is created and designed with mothers in mind but we do not discriminate and work with all parents. We are also a strong supporter of the LGBTQ+ community and encourage the use of preferred pronouns.

    Many of our therapists and coaches specialise in the perinatal period and working with mums but also work with a wide range of clients.

  • We aim to be inclusive of everyone but we are unable to help with acute psychiatric or suicidal emergencies. If you are in crisis or suicidal, we encourage you to contact the emergency services or on 116 123 (UK).

    If you are being supported by Community Mental Health Services or receiving treatment for mental health issues, please do speak to the relevant agency for advice and further support first.

  • We understand not everyone has the means to pay for additional support, especially in early motherhood.

    This is why we try to offer a range of support options and differing price points to help make it as accessible as possible.

    Many of our therapists offer concessions and we have a ton of useful information for free in The Reading Room and via our social media and newsletters.

    There are also some fab charities you can access;

How does it work?

  • We understand that choosing the right therapist or coach can feel overwhelming.

    We’d recommend looking through each therapists page to have a look at how they work and what they specialise in as your first step.

    You can often get a feel of a person from their picture and profile but we suggest checking out their websites and getting in touch with them to really be sure.

    It's important to choose the right person for YOU.

  • Simply have a look through the profiles and follow the contact information for your preferred therapist and/or coach.

    Some may have direct booking links from their website, some may use a directory service or some may require you getting in touch with them via email or phone.

  • We understand that as a mama, finding time for yourself can be challenging but many of our therapists and coaches offer sessions online and in person.

    All therapists will have their own working agreements or contracts which they usually. ask you to sign or agree to before or during the session (so you have an opportunity to ask any questions).

    The Working Agreement usually outlines all the information around confidentiality and the working process.

  • Please see your individual therapist/counsellor or coaches cancellation policy for this.

  • The way counselling/therapy can help will depend on the person. Counselling offers a safe and confidential environment to speak and be listened to. It offers you the space and freedom to explore your own thoughts with an unbiased person, free from judgment.

    Counselling can help you uncover your own insight and understanding, providing you with the tools which will help you to resolve them on your own. Counselling is also a journey and it takes time and consistency to work effectively. Because of this, many people opt for regular sessions to make the most of the process.

    Please see our FAQs for more info.

  • The number of sessions you want is entirely up to you as I offer sessions on an open-ended basis.

    Most people start with six and I will do regular reviews to check in on how things are going and you can decide when it feels right to end.

  • Some therapists and coaches offer concessionary rates, so please raise this with them during your consultation and you can discuss various options.

Are you in Crisis?

We will always aim to see you for therapy as soon as possible. However, if you are feeling suicidal you may require immediate help or support and the following services are available: ​

  • Make an emergency GP appointment

  • Go to your nearest A&E department

  • Call NHS 111 or 999

  • Call Samaritans on 116 123

  • Text “Shout” to 85258

Supporting your growth

Supporting your growth