Our Story

From the moment we find out we are pregnant, modern motherhood can set impossible standards. We are constantly being told what to do, how to feel and who we should be.

The mental load can be exhausting. 

We are surrounded by ‘experts’ and opinions. Bombarded by endless advice from social media,  service providers and (mostly well meaning) relatives or friends.

We know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed. To need support and not know where to turn. You’re juggling new responsibilities, the physical and emotional changes of motherhood and there is just SO much information out there.

We believe that maternal wellness doesn’t need to be scary, or something you have to jump through hoops to access. It should be easy and accessible whenever and however you need it.

Investing in your own wellbeing is not a luxury but a necessity. We believe you have to take care of yourself if you are to take care of others. Honouring your own needs also sets a great example for your children and creates a positive impact on your entire family.

Whether that’s one to one support from therapy, resources to help you on your own schedule or you just want to feel part of a community that understands, that’s what we’re here for.

“Our mission is to empower mothers through professional support and guidance, fostering a sense of validation and understanding in a world of overwhelming expectations.”

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Our Promise to You

  • Unstuffy, Down-to-Earth Support

    We offer support that is relatable and grounded, moving away from traditional, formal approaches.

  • Expertise Combined with Real Experience

    We provide expert advice from a qualified therapist who is also a mama herself, ensuring relatability and understanding.

  • More Than Just Peer Support

    We offer professional, informative support that goes beyond typical mum-to-mum peer groups.

  • Inclusive and Engaging

    We create mama groups and events that are inclusive and welcoming for all, unlike traditional, exclusive groups (no mean girls here!).

  • Fun and Social

    We focus on making our groups and events a social, enjoyable experience with good coffee and a welcoming atmosphere.


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Hey Mama!

I’m Holly and I am the founder of Your Mamahood. I am a qualified counsellor and Postnatal Care Practitioner and I’m also a Mama too.

I know how hard being a mother can be. The self-doubt, loneliness, sleep deprivation and just sheer exhaustion of it all.

Throughout my pregnancy, birth and new motherhood I had no mental wellbeing support and I couldn’t find anything that was relatable or that resonated with me.

I had expected to feel tired and emotional but I also felt extremely overwhelmed. Anxiety took over as the pressure to be perfect consumed me. I struggled with a sense of identity loss. I didn’t find my ‘Mum tribe’. Social media made me worry everything I was doing wasn’t right or good enough. 

I’m a therapist myself, I know that getting mental health support can often mean joining the bottom of a very long waiting list.

I felt lost and confused…

“They say ‘It takes a village’ but modern lifestyles, especially in the western world just aren’t set up for this even though we were not supposed to do this alone.”

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Talking to other Mamas, I realised I was not alone. The worry, anxiety, low moods, were felt by nearly all of us. We were (or had been) feeling such similar things but hadn’t felt comfortable sharing and had felt there was nowhere to go to get that help or to understand it.

I realised we are all just trying to muddle through motherhood, doing the best we can. 

Motherhood is wonderful but it’s important to have a space where we can feel comfortable to be honest about the hard times too and feel confident seeking and taking help….

That’s where YOUR MAMAHOOD steps in!


  • We are a community platform designed to connect new mums to the services and support they need postpartum and beyond.

    We offer online wellbeing resources and information, signpost to qualified therapists and coaches, put on inclusive events and groups and have a wonderful directory of services such as doulas, lactation consultants, antenatal classes, baby groups and much more!

  • We are a platform aimed past supporting mums through postpartum and those early years of motherhood.

    We're for mums who might be struggling with their mental health but also for those who generally want to find a community and a sense of belonging with like-minded mums who get it.

  • It’s totally normal to be nervous about your first therapy or coaching session (even if you have had therapy or coaching before). Your relationship with your therapist or coach is an important one, so in your first session, it is likely the person you are working with will try to get to know you better. They might ask you some questions in order to gain an understanding of what's worrying you and the way your thought processes work.

    They might also just let you use the time freely to tell them in your own time what’s brought you here.

    All therapists and coaches work differently but our hope at YOUR MAMAHOOD is that you feel comfortable to talk about your hopes and needs from the sessions.

  • Counselling, or 'therapy' as it is commonly known, allows people to discuss their problems and difficult feelings in a safe, confidential environment. It can mean different things to different people, but in general, it is a process people seek when they want to change something in their lives, or simply explore their thoughts and feelings in more depth.

    A counsellor, or therapist, is not there to tell you what to do. Instead, they will encourage you to talk about what's going on for you and uncover any root causes and identify your specific ways of thinking. They may then look to create a plan of action to either help you reconcile your issues, or help you to find ways of coping.

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  • The terms 'counselling' and 'therapy' have become used interchangeably in recent years. As explained by the NHS, “Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues. Sometimes, the term ‘counselling’ is used to refer to talking therapies in general, but counselling is also a type of therapy in its own right.”

  • Every therapist and coach will have their own ways of working so it is best to check this out with them personally. If you feel you are in a vulnerable situation and need help immediately please call the emergency services or contact www.samaritans.org or telephone them on 116 123 (UK).

  • Trust is an integral part of a therapist-client relationship and all sessions will be kept confidential unless in certain circumstances where the therapist may have to consider breaking a client’s confidence for their own safety. This could be if there is a risk of immediate harm to the client or to another person. The therapist will explain how they work in your first session and through the counselling contract/working agreement.

  • Please see your therapist or coaches individual cancellation policy.

  • YOUR MAMAHOOD is created and designed with mothers in mind but we do not discriminate and work with all parents. We are also a strong supporter of the LGBTQ+ community and encourage the use of preferred pronouns.

    Many of our therapists and coaches specialise in the perinatal period and working with mums but also work with a wide range of clients.

  • We aim to be inclusive of everyone but we are unable to help with acute psychiatric or suicidal emergencies. If you are in crisis or suicidal, we encourage you to contact the emergency services or www.samaritans.org on 116 123 (UK).

    If you are being supported by Community Mental Health Services or receiving treatment for mental health issues, please do speak to the relevant agency for advice and further support first.

  • We understand not everyone has the means to pay for additional support, especially in early motherhood.

    This is why we try to offer a range of support options and differing price points to help make it as accessible as possible.

    Many of our therapists offer concessions and we have a ton of useful information for free in The Reading Room and via our social media and newsletters.

    There are also some fab charities you can access;




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