Stevie Boreham

ꕤ Somatic Healing Therapist & Matresence Coach

→ Farnborough, Hampshire

✓ Available for online sessions only

About Stevie


About Stevie 〰️

I am a trauma informed Somatic Healing Therapist and Matresence Coach. I support and empower mothers, and teachers, who are raising the next generation to live a life they love and feel in control of. 

I create spaces for women to:

- understand the process of matrescence (the shift from woman to mother)

- express the strains of parenthood on their marriage

- feel supported upon their return to work

- regather and connect to who they are

- explore finding safety within so that they build a trusting relationship to themselves

- prioritise their needs

- show up as they are

Some mothers come to me with a specific reason for support and sometimes a mother simply needs a space to offload the motherload. All of the women that work with me - whether they work with me for a few sessions or a series of sessions leave feeling seen, heard and valued. This work is powerful and freeing.
— Stevie

Qualifications & experience

I am qualified Matrescence Coach (ICF recognised) and a qualified Focalizing Practitioner (Focalizing Institute). 

How I Work

Through a blend of Focalizing (a somatic healing modality), coaching and mentoring I support mamas to mother, live and work in a way that is aligned to who they truly are. Being a Somatic Therapist means I support mothers to turn to the wisdom of their body to help guide any decisions or situations they face. Sessions with me are often relaxing and leave you with tools in your back pocket to help you cope in moments of stress and overwhelm.

Overtime, the women I work with develop a deep awareness, connection and trust to their body. This trust and connection to themselves means that they are able to know more clearly what they need and most importantly begin to build their capacity to be able to give themselves what they need so that they feel less exhausted and burnout by the weight of motherhood. If a mother wishes, through gentle safety and resourcing we can address trauma that has become stored within your body/system, releasing it so that they have greater capacity and space to enjoy motherhood. 

Specialist Areas

I work with mothers, and teachers, who are feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of raising the next generation. I specialise in supporting women who are juggling the mental load of motherhood and work as well as women in early postpartum who are feeling lost, angry, alone or depressed. Having experience post-natal depression myself I have a great deal of empathy and care for mothers who find themselves in this situation.


£60 for standalone sessions

6 week block = 6x 50 minute sessions for £360

12 week block = 6x 50 minute sessions for £660

Stevie offers a free 35 minute discovery call/intro session

Email or visit her website.

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